African Americans, who are underrepresented in many health studies, will be able to be represented properly. We can possibly find treatments for Alzheimer's, which affects the African American community disproportionately.
Bernadette WaddellBrain Health Registry Participant
I joined BHR when my mother was diagnosed with dementia. It was a long journey from diagnosis, to doctor visits, to caregiving to Alzheimer's Disease running its course. Treatment options were limited. Watching Mom, I realized the brain's significant role in all areas of health and aging. And I learned that loss of thinking and remembering abilities is not average. I met many people along the way who also had personal stories about memory decline in their own families. In order to help researchers find better diagnosis tools and get us closer to a cure, everyone who is able to join BHR certainly should.
Regene P. RossCommunications Manager, Brain Health Registry
I became involved with CEDAR as a result of an email that I received. It sparked my attention greatly due to a large family history of Alzheimer's and Dementia. It was simple, once I received the email it directed me to answer a few questions (5-7 minutes tops). You'll find that it's gratifying to know that you're doing something to not only help yourself but your family and your country. It was a great thing to do.
CeCe CypressBrain Health Registry Participant
When I need a car repair, I go to the mechanic; when I need a haircut, I go to the barber. We have scientists and researchers who have gone to school and worked in Alzheimer’s research for 20 years. They are the experts and I trust in their research.
Philip GriffinBrain Health Registry Participant
It’s been two years since my mom died while suffering from Alzheimer’s. I think about her every day. Participating in the Brain Health Registry is a way for me to honor her. It’s something I can do that’s real and tangible.
John FitzpatrickBrain Health Registry Participant
PTSD doesn't have to break apart families or end lives, but it often does. Veterans like my dad who go into a war zone and come out with a devastating disorder deserve new and better treatments to help them live normal, happy and fulfilling lives. I am honored to take part in the Brain Health Registry so I might help those who have put themselves at risk in service to the nation.
Roxanna SmithBrain Health Registry Participant
My godfather has Parkinson’s. He’s a priest, and the disease is taking away his ability to preach. I signed up with him in mind. If, in the long run, this can help save and empower voices like his, it will be a great thing. And I’d like to be a part of it.
Theresa WalshBrain Health Registry Participant
I’ve seen the impact of Alzheimer’s – I’ve had friends who have lost loved ones, and the toll is immense. So I see it as a privilege to help with medical research. I feel like this is a way I can pay it forward to future generations, including my own children.
Jackie BobergBrain Health Registry Participant
There are many reasons why I'm participating in the Brain Health Registry, but here's the number one reason: my father. Ten years ago, he was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. I want to help find a cure and participating in this project gives me the greatest opportunity to do just that.
Angela DanielsBrain Health Registry Participant
My college roommate was recently diagnosed with Parkinson's. She's working hard - exercising, meditating, doing yoga - to keep her symptoms at bay, and she's holding on to the positive attitude she's always had. I'm hoping this research can lead to a cure and help her stay positive and vital. That’s why I’m here.
Anne de la RosaBrain Health Registry Participant